Friday 18 June 2010

This whole thing about the American oil spill and it's consequences puzzles me. If you want to drive a car and heat your home then the oil needed for that has to come from somewhere. As the worlds oil reserves start to run out then the oil companies have to go to much more extreme measures to get it! And the more extreme the measures the higher the risk of accident! We only have ourselves to blame!

Rodgers and Infidelity

I found this story on the Register-

Canadian Adulterers

All about a woman who is suing her mobile phone company because she claims that it caused the failure of her marriage by lumping her and her husbands phone bills together thereby allowing him to see who she had been taliking to. Seems like a bit of an own goal to me! Take responsibility for your own life and what you do in it rather than blaming other people!

She would have done well to read this post about Relationship Stages and how to tell what they are. Maybe then she would still have her husband!

Thursday 17 June 2010

7 Laws About Women And Getting Her Back!

This article is obviously directed at men but ladies if you want to comment then feel free!

1, Understand what it is to be a man! I'm not talking about what you learnt from your dad or your friends, what I mean is how you as a man project yourself to others. The great thing about the internet age is how easy it is to simply go on line and find out information about anything under the sun. So if you have ever been told by a woman to "man up" or "be a man" then maybe it's time you took those comments seriously, did yourself a favour and found out what "being a man" really means! The ladies in your life will love it!

2, What the hell do women see in Brad Pitt anyway? It is surprising how many men simply don't understand why their woman goes weak at the knees when her favourite film star appears on screen. Let me give you a clue gents! He looks GOOD! Now go away and think about that and when you have finally worked it out take a look at your self in the mirror and then dump those baggy shorts!

3, Stop living in the past! Men in particular seem to revel in throwing every little indiscretion that their woman has ever comitted back in her face the moment an argument starts. Let it go guys! Want to know why? It is because women LOVE a man who has the capacity and the heart to forgive! Women know they are not perfect, men unfortunately believe they are!

4, Except responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it! The days when you could cry to mom that "a big boy did it and ran away" are long gone my friend! Owning up to your mistakes is a big plus in a woman's mind, it means you are honest with yourself and as far as she is concerned that means that you will always be honest with her!

5, Learn what maturity is and then get some! The number of immature men running round loose in this world is simply frightening! Whether their dads were immature as well or they have been spoiled by their mommies is anybodys guess but women HATE immature men! To a woman a man who is immature is not a prospect for a good relationship, after all if the man can't look after himself how is he going to look after HER kids? So guys go join a weekend course were you will have to learn to cook for yourself and clean your own underwear! Or even better sign up for a course in leadership skills, there is nothing like trying to command other men for building maturity.

6, Take charge! Women want a leader not a bully, they like to be led by a man who knows where he is going and how to get there! Now this is not the same as driving blindly down a country road and refusing to ask for directions! Admitting you are lost is a sign of maturity and responsibility, not admitting it is a sign of stupidity! A woman wants a man who can take her to a restaurant that he thinks she will like rather than her being asked over and over "where would you like to go?" A leader is safe and respected, so do yourself a favour guys and take your woman by the hand and show her you are a man!

7, Shape up or ship out! Join a gym Jim and get yourself fit! Ok so that's not really Paul Simon but you know what I mean. If you are more Billy Blob than Superman then it is time to do something about it. And while you are at it how about cleaning the yard and fixing stuff! There is NOTHING more annoying to a woman than an untidy man and I just know this is going to come as a surprise to a lot of men out there but women find a tidy man a turn on! Note I said tidy not nerd so dump the geek glasses! Tidiness points to responsibility which points to maturity which points to...ok you get the idea!

So there you are, 7 laws about women and getting her back. Have a look at for more of this kind of slightly of the wall look at women and dating.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Getting your ex back

Getting your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back into you life is not easy but it can be done! If you have recently broken up then one thing you do NOT want to be doing is trying to stay in contact.Why?

Because all that shows your ex is that you don't have a life to lead away from them. And how attractive do you think that is? The more you push your ex the farther they will run. It is a simple fact of life!

There is an old saying my grandmother was very fond of- Slowly slowly catchee monkee!

And that is just what is recommended on Take it slow and work the plan to get your ex back.

Let me ask you a question. How much interest do you think you are going to get from your ex if

1, You are always around, trying to talk to them, ringing them constantly, sending notes and flowers daily?

2, You are out enjoying yourself, meeting new friends, doing new things, dating or travelling?

The first option tells your ex that you are needy, desperate and will run to them whenever they want. The second on the other hand shows that you are independent and in demand!

Now put yourself in the shoes of your ex. If you were him or her which one of those options would you find attractive in a new partner? New?

Yes you read it right! Forget about going back to your old relationship, it no longer exists but for the memories. It hurts to think that way I know but it is a fact that you are going to have to face. Any relationship that you are going to have with your ex has to be a new one!

The reasons for this are simple. Your ex must find you attractive again, must look upon a relationship with you as an attractive proposition, committing to you as a partner a worthwhile idea and feel attracted to you sexually. These things must be looked at as being new to your ex so you have to change the way your ex views you. Here is an example.

If your relationship was marred by constant rows then your ex is not going to find the idea of going back to that very appealing! After all you wouldn't want to go back to a relationship like that would you?

So what to do? The answer to this question is quite simple. Take some time out of your day, sit down where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes and imagine yourself as an outsider looking in on your old relationship. This is not very easy to do but it is a wonderful technique for taking your mind off your current heartbreak and also enabling you to see a lot more clearly.

Once you are able to look at your relationship from the point of view of a stranger then you can pinpoint those areas where arguments tended to start. Something about your home, or maybe his or her refusal to tidy up, perhaps the two of you had got into a rut and you or your ex was bored?

It may surprise you to see that a lot of your disagreements with your ex probably had to do with the same thing. In fact most of your arguments were probably repetitive, the same ones coming up again and again simply because the underlying problem has not been dealt with!

Now you can start to work out how to deal with that problem so that if you get the chance to start a NEW relationship with your old lover that problem won't be a problem any more!